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Wilson sentenced to 10 years for aggravated sexual assault of a child

Thu, 08/24/2017 - 8:09 pm

In a three-day trial that ended Thursday evening, Andrew Michael Wilson was found guilty of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Wilson was sentenced to 10 years in prison by an 11 man, one woman jury after less than 30 minutes of deliberation. Wilson will be eligible for parole after five years.
He was found guilty Thursday afternoon of the charge, which stemmed from an Aug. 27, 2012, event where Wilson was found to have sexually assaulted his 11-year-old daughter. George Wilson, who has been taking care of Andrew since the age of one, said his stepson has always had problems controlling his hands and emotions but that he was a "normal" child. George Wilson went on to say that his stepson takes care of the home including the cooking and cleaning presently
In her closing arguments during sentencing, defense attorney Katie Woods said that Andrew Wilson was "not perfect, but faced his responsibilities". He has had other run ins with the law including a burglary of a habitation charge and has had CPS take away children in the past.
She told the jury that Andrew's family would make sure that he would abide by the term of probation, if it was provided. His former probation officer, Robert Garcia, testified that while he was not a model probationers, he was "better than most."
Assistant District Attorney Jay Lapham said that Lewis asked for mercy on her client but asked the jury what mercy was shown to the daughter.
Further details on the case will be found in next week's Herald-Gazette.