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Perrin ISD names interim Super

Wed, 06/29/2016 - 12:09 pm

PERRIN   A former Prairie Valley Superintendent will lead the Perrin-Whitt CISD while a search for a permanent replacement is completed.

W.R. Tucker, of Nocona, was selected from three candidates during an executive session Tuesday night. Tucker was superintendent of Prairie Valley from 1994-2015 before retiring last year. He is presently working as FEMA Project Manager for Montague County.

Tucker is a Prairie Valley graduate in 1966 and got his degree from East Texas State University in 1970 and his Masters in Ag Education from ETSU in 1972. He received his mid-management and professional superintendent certificates from Texas Woman’s University in 1983 and 1985, respectively.

Before getting the Prairie Valley super job he spent 14 years as the director of the Montague County Special Classes Co-op.

Before Tucker was able to fill the interim Super position, John Kuhn’s resignation was accepted by the board. Kuhn was offered a contract by the Mineral Wells ISD Monday evening.

Kuhn thanked the board for their work. Tucker will be provided a per diem stipend of $350 while serving as interim Superintendent.

The board will be working with Region 9 Service Center on the hiring of a full-time Superintendent. The district hopes to have its lone finalist ready by Aug. 8. Lone finalists must then wait 21 days before being offered a contract.