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Wed, 10/21/2020 - 5:00 am
JISD, Tarleton enter into MOU regarding student acceptance

During its regular meeting Oct. 12, Jacksboro Independent School District board members entered into a memorandum of understanding with Tarleton State University on student acceptance that could have more Tigers becoming Texans.

Under the rules of the MOU, entitled the Distringuised High School Partnership Program, TSU shall grant automatic admission to all JISD students who graduate in the top 25 percent of their classes from JISD and shall waive ACT or SAT scores to be considered from admission. JISD acknowledges that students should be aware, however that not submitting test scores may compromise their consideration for scholarships.

The admissions fee will be waived for JISD students who the school’s criteria to receive a fee waiver. This program could help students also receive awards.

JISD grads who qualify for Tarleton’s Guaranteed Award Program and attend Tarleton will receive a guarantee award $1,000 above the GAP level if they are in the top 10 percent or $500 for anything up to top 25 percent. GAP eligibility criteria and award levels can be found at tarletonstate.us/gap.

TSU shall contact JISD counselors to notify them of opportunities available to JISD grads as they come available.

The MOU is in effect for the 2021-22 school year, and will renew automatically for up to four successive annual terms unless terminated by either part with written notice no later than June 30 of each year.