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JISD doing number of Vets’ Day programs

Wed, 09/30/2020 - 5:00 am

With Veterans’ Day losing much its symbolism in recent years, and the COVID virus still wreaking havoc on activities for adults and children alike, Jacksboro ISD officials will be doing a series of themed projects.

In the past, students were brought to the JISD Auditorium to watch a production of dances, songs, introduction of veterans etc. JHS spokesperson Cathy Amburn says everything will be done this year on the district’s website.

“No one at all will be brought to the websiteThis year will be more focused on the teaching aspect of things,” Amburn explained. “Why do we honor Veteran’s Day?”

Members of FCCLA will be teaching how the flag is properly folded and why it it s done that way. Another educational portion of the program will be the playings of taps and revile and why they are played.

Children at the elementary school will be having a poster contest while the middle school will be doing silhouettes.

Further details will be coming out as they day grows nearer.