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Jacksboro City Council begins budget discussion

Fri, 07/28/2017 - 5:09 pm

The Jacksboro City Council hosted its first budget workshop Monday. City Manager Mike Smith presented a proposed budget which he filed with the city secretary Friday, July 21.

Smith said the proposed general fund budget of $3.566 million in expenses is about $600,000 over estimated revenue. The current budget is $2.87 million.

“So we’ve got room to start cutting,” he told the council.

Smith explained the city was in an unusual situation. Because property values went up slightly and the city’s debt service decreased by $400,000, the rollback tax rate is lower than the effective rate.

He recommended the council go with the rollback rate of $1.219 per $100 of valuation. Last year’s rate was $1.263 per $100. 

Some budget items included in the proposed budget are salary increases across the board, an emergency siren for the north part of town, a water truck for the streets department, a cool down trailer for the fire department, a street sweeper, an increase for park maintenance equipment and more.

Smith said he will take input from council members as to what cuts they recommend and present another draft at the next meeting. The members did not give any suggestions publicly at this week’s meeting.

In other business, Smith requested the council members submit the days and times they will not be available to participate in interviews of applicants to fill the vacant police chief position.

The deadline to submit an application was July 21 and the city received 26.

“I plan to narrow it down to a group of eight and give the council copies of all applicant resumes,” Smith said. “If council wants to add to the list of eight, they can.”