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Hubble speaks to Lions

Wed, 08/31/2022 - 5:00 am

Jacksboro Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Casey Hubble spoke to Lions Club members about his vision for the program Wednesday, Aug. 24.

Hubble, a 1993 graduate of Jacksboro says he was excited to be back home and said he got into coach because of a middle school PE teacher whom he loved to try and please. In high school another coach, another coach meant a lot to him which inspired him to go into coaching.

He said he and his coaching staff want to teach kids character traits they will use in life. He hopes his staff is a group the athletes can look up to if they don’t have someone at home in that regard.

Building a relationship with the kids and pushing the athletes to be the best they can be is the culture the program is trying to build. Taking ownership of your life and not blaming everyone else for your issues.

Hubble made an example that if a young man is not going to be at practice, he wants to hear that from the young man, not the mother or parent.

“By the time they’re in high school, kids need to start taking ownership of their life,” Hubble noted.

Hubble said taking all of this will hopefully allow the athletes to play the game fearless – not playing the game without fear or anxiety – but knowing they’ve done everything they can do and be able to just step out on the field and just play.

Hubble said he is proud of the new weight room recently put in in Jacksboro, calling it “the best weight room for our size school in the State.” He said he had some donations to get the job done. The program is something that goes through the community and it’s something the community needs to take of to make prosper.

“This is something that grows within itself,” Hubble said. Once the community believes in the program, the culture will run the athletic program.”

Hubble said he is looking forward to doing great things here and retiring here.

The Jacksboro Lions Club meets at noon on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, at 218 N. East Street in Jacksboro.