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Doing work

Tue, 02/18/2020 - 10:24 am
Jacksboro Elementary third grade team talks benchmark improvement
    Jacksboro ISD third grade team of Teresa Howard, Pam Hamman, Leah Davenport and Heather Edwards talked about the improvements in benchmark testing they have done for their students during the JISD board meeting Monday, Feb. 10 Photo/Brian Smith

Third grade teachers at Jacksboro Elementary School are finding ways to improve benchmark scores in a collaborative effort.

Spokesperson Teresa Howard and fellow third grade teachers Leah Davenport, Pam Hamman, and Heather Edwards went before the JISD Board Feb. 10 and spoke of the work which has taken place over the last six weeks or so. 

Many of the third graders were having trouble with their benchmark scores, which had a low number of their students passing, but also others who were very close to being Masters on the test.

The foursome went into action when the students came back from Winter Break in January and made some changes. Now all 84 third graders see all four teachers every day.

Howard said the students receive one hour of a main lesson and another hour in small groups. The students who need more one on one can take part in tutorials four days a week after school. Two days have a math focus and the other two focus on reading.

The teachers recently had a third benchmark and noticed a marked improvement particularly in those Mastering the test.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, Feb. 19, edition of the Jacksboro Herald-Gazette.