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Emergency Room Etiquette

I have found myself in the local Emergency Room several times during the pandemic. Let me just warn you … the Emergency Room is a different place these days. You can mark off at least three hours … if you aren’t very sick. Also, ER visits aren’t quite as exciting as they seem to be on television or as dramatic. Although my friend definitely needed to go to the ER, after about the third hour of sitting behind the closed curtain, I wondered why I was there. Did he need me? He was asleep most of the time. Did he need for me to answer medical questions?

Let’s search together for capital ideas

Ed Sterling wrote this column for almost three decades, so let’s open by celebrating his contributions to the Texas Press Association and its members. Ed was the calm, steady voice keeping us informed and interested.

I am honored to have been asked by Mike Hodges, TPA executive director, and Donnis Baggett, executive vice president, to continue the important work of keeping Texans up to date on what’s happening in Austin. The world has changed dramatically since Ed started writing in the early 1990s, but the need for being informed remains greater than ever.

Petroleum markets react to oversupply

The recent tough times in the oil patch began in 2015 when rising oil and natural gas production, primarily in the United States, began to outstrip demand as worldwide economies began to slow down. The trend continued, and when the coronavirus pandemic hit in early 2020 economies around the globe shutdown and demand for petroleum products dropped as did their prices.

A Really Big Goof…

It still lurks in my mind’s “crannies,” jumping to the forefront of my thoughts more often than I’d like. It was a single sentence--uttered by someone whose name I don’t know--imparting an important truth usually requiring paragraphs, chapters or even volumes.