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A Tail of Two Dogs … the best of times

As most of my readers know, I have the best dogs … in the world. My older dog Zuckey passed away this last spring after spending several years as an “elderly” dog. She was blind and forgetful. Those are two infirmities that should not appear together. As long as I didn’t move the furniture, she did pretty well, but as she headed into her fifteenth year, she was easily confused. Fifteen in dog years is about like a hundred in human years, and I certainly understood her confusion. I get confused about where things are, too. Although losing a pet is terrible; she had lived a good life, and the last couple of years had been hard on her.

Historic Necessity bank vault amidst the cactus

What happens to a bank vault when the walls of a bank have disintegrated over several decades to nearly a century of time, but left the sturdily intact bank vault behind amid a growth of cacti and weeds? That is what has happened to the old vault that once upon a time resided either within the General Store and then within an attached bank building or at a second bank at Necessity. During the oil boom era in Stephens County, the small town of Necessity sported two banks. As the decades went by, the building closed as did the bank and the walls around the building slipped into oblivion. The plank siding wasted away and then the block walls disintegrated, which left the sturdily built bank vault exposed to the elements of wind, rain and the blaring sun. Now what remains is the strange-looking bank vault with a huge cactus growing from within and out through all the crevices to the wind and blaring sun above.

Invasion, Fertilization, and Extermination … something just wasn’t working

Like most of us, I have a few questions to ask God when I get the chance. Oh, I’ve asked him several times, but I guess he’s busy what with the Covid19 pandemic, the Greek alphabet hurricanes, and football starting back up. Anyway, I don’t have to have the answers. It will give me something to worry about, complain about, and speculate on during the next thirty years … until I get up there. But if I don’t get the answers … it will be Hell.